After reviewing the criteria and application instructions, use the form below to apply and upload your transcript, essay, proof of residency, & letter of recommendation. Scholarship recipients are notified at the end of March.
- Complete the application form on this page.
(Be sure to have all of the pieces below completed and ready to go before submitting the form) - Using the application form, upload and submit transcripts of all college work attempted.
- Using the application form, upload and submit proof of legal residency. Acceptable proof of legal Iowa residency is a driver’s license or voter registration.
- Using the application form, upload and submit a letter of recommendation from someone close enough to comment on the applicant’s personal qualifications and professional promise.
- Using the application form, upload and submit an essay. The essay requirements are below.
If you have any issues uploading documents to the form, you may email them to us at Be sure to submit the form and all documents to be considered.
The balance of the application requires narrative answers designed to help the scholarship administrator know you and your plans. Please address the two prompts below in an essay format to upload with your application.
Choosing Your Career: Describe the process you used and the experiences you underwent in your decision to enter the funeral service profession. Also, describe your plans for getting started after graduation.
Tell Us About Yourself: Write a brief essay telling the scholarship administrator enough to help them feel they know you (books of interest to you, experiences which had a significant impact on you, special people and why they are special to you, or any other things you care to tell them).
Ready to apply? Complete the application below. Please allow up to 30 days for confirmation of your application.